Saturday, May 22, 2010


May 20, 2010

Once again I cannot get on line to do my blog. In order to keep up I will do it and when I have Wifi, I will get my blogs posted. Harry and I are settled for the night. The weather is now beautiful with a clear sky. We are being hosted by Round-up RV Park, which is beside a catfish restaurant which seems to be running it. Needless to say the aroma of food to our noses carried our bodies inside for dinner. We enjoyed the meal very much and the campground is very nice with concrete pads for each RV.

We drove close to 350 miles today. Part of this travel time was through heavy rain, but God blessed us with traveling mercies and we had a safe enjoyable trip. We moved from Arkansas into Oklahoma. I must say Oklahoma is a much more beautiful state than Arkansas. We have mountains all around and it looks somewhat like VA and WV, which makes us feel closer to home even though we are further away from home.

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