Monday, May 17, 2010

First Day on the Road

May 17, 2010

Finally my first traveling blog is about to happen. If anyone is checking I do apologize that it may be saved in word until I remember what my sign in password is or figure out how to get a new one. Hopefully I will have Internet and be able to copy and paste to update soon.

We are three days behind our planned leaving date, due to problems with the refrigerator in the camper. After trying at a couple of places to get it fixed with no success, we were told that it had completely died. We had to have a new one if we were to take the camper. Finally the new refrigerator was ready on the same Friday we had planned to leave. We picked it up, but were nowhere near ready to leave. The next two days were spent doing all the things that still needed to be done before we left and carrying everything but the kitchen sink to the camper. It was endless.

Our friend, Merilyn, came Sunday which was a day earlier than planned due to the critical illness of her sister. They are waiting for the end to come, knowing it isn’t far off. She is thankful to have our house to be staying in at this time and we are very thankful to have her there to look after things. (And to tell us what we thought we forgot is not there) Do keep Merilyn and her family in your prayers as they are going through a very trying time.

We had a successful first day of traveling and are set up in our camper at Bean Pot campground in Crossville, Tennessee. We have had several different panic moments thinking we had forgotten something very important. First of all we bought a new small TV for the camper. Upon arriving, we wanted to see the news. We set up the TV and found that we didn’t have the remote. TVs just aren’t like they used to be – they are very dependent on the remote. Finally we found what was supposed to be controls at the bottom of the screen. They were just tiny symbols on the front which you were to touch. That proved very difficult, but finally we had our cable TV going. I made a call home to see if the control was in the bedroom where the TV had been. Merilyn (house and cat sitter) did not find it so that gave us renewed hope. Harry opened the cabinet above the sofa and there it was.

Next, I couldn’t find a very important little notebook that I use to save my passwords, websites, and other instructions. I panic again and call home again. Merilyn goes upstairs and checks beside the computer and all around for the book. It isn’t there so again I realize if it is not there it is here. BINGO a bell rings in my head and I remember exactly where I put it.

Next, it was a Google map that we couldn’t find. It was not as important as the other two things, but I finally found it. Now if I can just either remember my Google (blog) password or find it in my important little book we will be all set.

Tomorrow we plan to go to Murfreesboro to our nephew’s house and park in his driveway and visit with them a while. We will be back on the road Wednesday.

I reset the password and here we go pasting our blog. This time I wrote it down in my important little book. I hope I will be able to figure out how to add pictures to this blog. I have so much to learn. Keep us in your prayers. Louise

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom and Dad,

    Glad to see you all are underway.

    Good luck
