Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21

We are in Amarillo, Texas after driving around 300 miles today. We're doing fine, but somewhat tired. I am very disappointed that there is hardly any signal strength here. I can't use the computer unless I bring it outside. I have done some blogs on Word which I need to paste and post, but I need a better signal to do that. I also have some pictures to add. Hopefully I will have that at the next stop. That has been my thinking since the first stop when it worked really well, but there was not much to say.

Driving though and spending last night in Oklahoma was a pleasure. It is a beautiful state. The windmill farms were impressive. Weather started out a little cool. When we arrived here it was very windy and hot. Now it is windy and a little cool, but very pleasant. We will be back again with more to say soon I hope.

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