Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 26 -- Grand Canyon and Car and Planes

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25 was our day at the Grand Canyon. We heard a ranger say it could be described in four words: ENORMOUS, VAST, SPECTACULAR, MAGNIFICENT, which could be translated to big and pretty. It is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

That morning we left the campground about 8:30. Williams is about 60 miles from the Grand Canyon so we had a little drive in front of us.

Our first stop was the “Planes of Fame Air Museum" and a little car museum. The car museum was free and had restored cars and trucks from the 1920’s; Several Model T Fords. They were rather impressive. The plane museum was bigger and better and it was not free. They had many old planes and parts of planes. There was one little plane with a smiley face head. It was neat. Most of them were larger air force planes.
The next stop was the IMax theater. This was a trip through the Grand Canyon with the Indians and the first Pioneers. The dimintions of the theater made you feel like you were going down the river with the Pioneers. After that we were prepared to tour the Grand Canyon.
We finally found the parking section Harry was looking for. It is a good thing we wore our broken in tennis shoes because we had lots of walking in front of us. We walked to the rim of the canyon. To say the first look was breath taking just doesn't seem adaquate. Words and photos cannot capture the sights we behold as we gaze at God's awesome creations.

As we walked around the rim we just gazed at one spectular scene after another. There were huge, magnificant mountains jutting up from the lowest valleys imaginable one after another. Some looked sandy, others looked rocky. There were small trees growing from the sides of these mountainous shapes.

Today we plan to drive about halfway to my cousin, Genetta's place. This will take us to Quartzsite, Arizona where we will spend the night. It looks like we have a scenic route so Harry will be wanting me to snap the camera all along the way.

The temperature at Quartzsite is suppose to be 94 degrees. That will be a change. Our temperatures have been in the 70's most of the time during the day and cool to cold at night. This will change as we creep back down to lower grounds.


  1. Looks like you all are seeing a lot of good stuff. Thanks adding the pictures.

  2. What a beautiful site! It's really wonderful following your travels.
