Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

We are in Williams, Arizona where we will spend tonight and tomorrow night. This is the first time to stay two nights in the same state. Thankfully we had a safe journey today. We did not have those terrible high winds with blowing dust in our faces when we were outside.

We had a peaceful night last night in the little free park. Nobody run their generators. We went to bed early so I was awake for a long while around 3AM and would like to have just gotten up, but it was too cold and too dark. Finally I managed to get a little more sleep. We were on the road this morning at 6:30 and in Williams around 10:00. Check in time was 12, but we were able to come on in.

I have been crocheting on a round pineapple table spread off and on along the way. I suppose I must have put in five or more rows – takes a long time to do a row. Today I found a mistake on about the first row I had put in on the road. Sadly I had to start raveling back to my mistake. It took less than 30 minutes to take out what it had taken hours to put in. A whole week’s work is now rolled back on the crochet ball. I might get back to where I was by the time we get back home. Ha. It is a good pass time for me to be twiddling my fingers as I ride along. I can look at the scenery and do that too.

The first part of our drive today, we saw nothing but little clumps of sage grass, and a few cows along the way much on it. Looks like they would starve and one wonders where they get their water. The creek beds, which are few and far between, are dry. After passing that type environment, we reached where the road had been closed yesterday and the day before. There was nothing but dirt and sand at the roadsides so it was easy to realize what would happen with the winds like they were yesterday. After several miles of this across another bend, we see nothing but pine trees and this is what brings us to where we are now, about 60 miles from the Grand Canyon.

We plan to leave early in the morning, visit the IMAX Theater and maybe an aviation center and then spend the rest of the day at the Grand Canyon. I’m sure it will be an interesting day.

Harry and I are sitting here yawning and so sleepy ---- it is not even 9 PM yet. I guess our mind and body is telling us it is 11:44 PM, because our hearts are in WV.

This makes two days that I have written to post, but right now I have no signal to get on the Internet. I was able to use it this morning. Maybe there are too many people using it at night.

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