Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wednesday June 9 -- Traveling and Crazy Horse

Yesterday we travelled all day. I would say we pushed it a little since it was a nine hour day on the road. Usually we do around six. We stayed at a campground in Lusk, Wyoming. It was a good place. For the first time, I did not have to fight to stay connected to the Internet. It was a secure site and great. I got quite a bit done on my blogs. I had several entries in Word so I just had to post them and work with pictures. I still need to work more with the pictures.

We are ready to hit the road again for a three hour drive today.

10:45 PM – Horse Thief Campground
We are at Horse Thief campground near Mt. Rushmore. We got here around 2:30 so we had some time for sight seeing. We feel lost without AT&T service here at the campground, but this afternoon we had a Wifi signal so I was able to do necessary communication with it.

This afternoon we went to see Crazy Horse, which is a carving in progress, with the 22 story high horse’s head now one-half blocked out. The face of the Indian has been carved and refined. The first blast for this monument took place June 3, 1948. It is a tribute to the great Indians and what they gave the settlers. There is a huge Indian museum with a scale model of Crazy Horse on the veranda from which drilling and blasting can be viewed as they continue to work on the monument. They were not working while we were there, so we didn’t get to see the work in progress. We went to a nice cafĂ© off the veranda, and had a bite to eat.

A sculptor named Korezak Ziolkowski, with no formal lessons in art, sculpture, architecture or engineering started this project. He worked on it for over forty years, but passed away in 1982 and is buried at the base of the mountain from which the monument is carved. Before he died he told his family to carry on his dream if they wanted to, but to take their time and make sure it was done right. The family is very dedicated to keeping up the work. Some predict another thirty or forty years might see it finished.

If you go to see Mount Rushmore, do not miss Crazy Horse because to us it was as impressive as Mount Rushmore. We spent a lot more time there because of the way our time worked out.

They had a show that night telling the history behind the project, and following that was a laser light show. We got there around 4:30 PM and did not want to miss the laser show so we were there until 9:50 PM when the laser light show ended.

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