Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 4, 2010---Utah to Idaho

Friday, June 4 was a traveling day. We drove from our campground at Fillmore, Utah to McCommon, Idaho. We passed through Salt Lake City and saw the Mormon Tabernacle. The ride was pleasant with much beautiful scenery along the way.

We stopped at the Idaho Welcome center and got information about Yellowstone. We got maps and the attendant was very helpful to show us the different routes and campgrounds in Yellowstone National Park. She recommended that we call ahead for reservations.

When we arrived at McCommon the weather was still very nice. We set up for the night. As we have made this trip, my mind continually goes to things I have read about the pioneers and all the troubles they encountered as they came west. It is hard to imagine this trip the way they had to make it. At times we get tired and a little aggravated when things don’t go exactly the way we want them to, but how easy we have had it. Our main problem is not being able to find things in the camper.

Both of us remembered the marked map that we knew would be so helpful, but we could not find it. We looked and looked through the materials she had given us with no results. We decided that we must have walked out without it. I picked up one more magazine and decided to look at it, and there inside that book was the fold out map she had fixed for us. Now we could get things worked out and call the campground for reservations. We did, but it was too late. They had already closed for the day. The next morning we made the call again, and made reservations for three nights at Yellowstone National Park. One more day and we should be there.

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