Thursday, June 3, 2010

Genetta's --Alpine, California

June 2, 2010 -- Time at Genetta's in California

Several days have passed since I wrote. We have not had access to the Internet and will not for at least the next two days. The cost for it here is $5.99 per day and it is just in and out so I will not be connecting to that.

We arrived at my cousin, Genetta’s, place on Thursday evening, May 27th. She welcomed us to her home with open arms and we enjoyed our stay very much. She insisted that we bring our laundry to her place and take care of it, so we took her up on this on Friday morning while she went over to her daughters and took care of Jack. She brought him back to her place for us to meet. He was a precious three year old who won our hearts right off. After taking him back home, she was trying to schedule different things for us to do while we were at her place. We told her we would be more than content just to relax and visit with her.

That night she was determined to take us out that evening for steak and lobster. It was a delicious meal in the restaurant area of a casino. We enjoyed walking around the noisy place and seeing the activities going on. Time is already flying by.

Other things we did while we were there was touring the Midway, a huge decommissioned Navy ship from World War II, seeing an Indian light show, and enjoying a delicious meal prepared by her son-in-law. Harry especially enjoyed the trip to the shipyard and touring the Midway. The Indian light show was a water and light with an Indian dance which was impressive and beautiful. The night before we left, we had dinner at Keith and Kim’s place. Cindy, Scott and family joined us, so we were able to spend time with all of her California family. Keith is a very talented chef and prepared a mouth watering meal of barbequed chicken, steamed vegetables, corn, garden salad and fruit salad.

All too soon it is Tuesday morning and time to leave. We went to Keith and Kim’s to get the camper hooked up, Once we were hooked up we had to turn around in a tight spot, so after about an hour we were ready to say good by and be on the road again. It was about 9 AM when we pull out on the road again. Traffic as we moved north wasn’t too bad. We drove until around noon and stopped at a Pilot truck stop, gassed up the truck, filled our own tanks and were ready to get on the road again. It was a long drive through the Mojave Dessert; this was a colorful, desolate, beautiful landscape. As usual Harry took pictures when we stopped and told me to take them while we were moving along.

We finally arrived at our destination, the Oasis RV Resort. We had gotten reservations for Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The camp ground is very nice with concrete pads. There are 900 sites. We spent a good restful night here. The temperatures are creeping up. We are using the air conditioner more than at any time during the trip.

Today we have our little picnic bag packed for a trip to Hoover Dam. I will tell about at later and post when I have a chance.

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