Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunday, June 6 -- Arrival at Yellowstone

Sunday, June 6---Yellowstone National Park

We are at Yellowstone National Park campground called Madison Junction. There has been quite a change in our weather. We arrived here on Saturday afternoon. We got set up and decided to cook some steaks. We pulled out a little grill that we have had for some time but had not used. We cooked these along with potatoes, onions, and carrots wrapped in foil. We enjoyed a garden salad along with this.

By bedtime it started to rain and rain it did, for the duration of our stay. It was cold and damp. We had turned our double sleeping bag over to the winter side. Both of us got cold, but were not brave enough to get up to find more blankets. Neither of us slept very well. We woke up early.

Shortly after we got up a huge bison came ambling through our campsite between our camper and fire pit. Harry saw it and shouted, “Louise, come and look at this!” We both got a good look at it. Harry was so excited that he grabbed the camera and went out in the rain. He got a couple of good pictures, but none of its head. That part was always behind a tree or bush.

The outside temperature is 48.7 degrees. Inside it is 62.2 degrees. We are layered in clothing to be warm. I used the oven to bake a can of biscuits this morning. That warmed the camper a little bit.

We have reservations for two more nights, but one more night might be enough. We do not have electricity or any hook ups. Roughen it, if you can call it that with a camper.
We are definitely much better off than those pioneers I keep thinking about.

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