Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting Ready

Three weeks from now, we should be on our way. Destination Alpine, California.

Today we have part of our family visiting. Wayne, Ginny, Keith, Annette, Victoria, and her friend Sarah came last night. Keith has suggested I do a blog of our upcoming trip. He helped me set up an account. Having accomplished that, here I am with my first blog.

We plan to leave Friday morning, May 14. We will be pulling our Innsbrook camper with our GMC pickup truck. There seems to be numerous things to to do before we leave. We have a list and we are marking them off one by one.

We plan to take a southern route out and return by a northern route. There will be numerous points of interest along the way. We hope to see many of these, taking and posting pictures along the way.

God has blessed us with so much beauty in America. We hope to see and share a tiny bit of it.